Friday, March 15, 2013


“I learned that inspiration does not always come like a bolt, nor is it kinetic, energetic, striving, but it comes into us slowly and quietly and all the time. ”
Brenda Ueland (1891-1985);
Journalist, editor, teacher

{Project Life} .. What I think of the Kindle

Let me start off by saying that never in a million years did I think I would like a Kindle. I love the feel of real books way too much. I love visiting bookstores and libraries...just something about real books that I don't want to give up. With that said I also try to be opened minded. So, when my cute other half gave me a Kindle for Christmas I wasn't 100% overwhelmed but I figured "Hey I can at least give it a try.

Heres what I love...
I had no clue that it talked. I can listen to books while working out or when my other half is watching something I'm so completely bored with on the tube. How cool is that! Completely awesome! Have truly loved this feature.

I've read more books in the last three months than I read all of last year because of the mere fact that it is so convenient.

I can still highlight anything. I can also view a page of things I've highlighted without having to flip through the book.

Dictionary at a click...very cool.

It goes with me everywhere. Its so thin I can slip it in my purse and away I go. When I have a few minutes here and there it is so convenient and nice to pull out of my purse and read. Waiting in the car...watching kids play sports, at the Dr. office. It saves the page you are on. The minute you turn it on the page you last read appears. Its always with me because its so slim.

I have at any minute access to millions of books.

You can download hundreds of free books.

I have around 40 books in my purse at this very moment and they are quite light. :)

I haven't used this feature but you can read various blogs and newspapers on the Kindle everyday.

Although I won't and don't ever want to give up real books, bookstores or libraries, having the Kindle is quite a delight for someone who enjoys reading and wants to have immediate access.

Here's to the Kindle and being open minded. Happy Reading! And to all a good night or morning! :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

{Project Life} .. Seventeen

Seventeen years...Love them, Laugh with them, Kiss them, Hug them...It goes much to fast.

{Project Life} .. a photo a day

Every once in a while when no one in your house will cooperate and let you take pictures, and when you're having big withdrawals because you really need to use your can always practice on yourself in a dark hallway with a mirror. Sad I tell ya...sad! Clearly I need a daughter who loves to pose. :) Daughter in law maybe?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

{Project 365} .. Working out

I'm not doing a very good job at using this. Any thoughts on getting motivated? Maybe I'll dangle some good ol' Dove chocolate to run after...

I really love having the Kindle to listen to while on it though. The Kindle that I did not want...but more on that later! :)

Happy Day! Make it a good one!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

{Project Life} .. A little January spring

Couldn't resist bringing some spring into the dreary inversion filled days we are having. Grabbed this from the grocery store to sit in the kitchen. Once spring arrives it'll go in the yard...nothing like killin two birds with one stone...right?! :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

{Project 365} - .. a photo a day .. utes football

We can't help but tease you about your red shoes. They really do look like Spiderman shoes from the side. They were the perfect thing to wear to the game though. The Utes kicked butt! It was fun getting our Utes shirts out and heading to the game...usually I prefer the nice warm house instead of the freezing outdoor games but today was perfect. It was pretty awesome seeing the enormous sea of devoted red fans at the game and seeing so many Utes fans at dinner and even on the freeway afterward. Go team spirit! I don't normally get into football that much but its always really good to do something different. And sorry folks I an a true blue...or um RED Utes fan. After all, Mr D is going to school there! :) I could even go for seasons tickets if it weren't so blasted cold here in the winter! The team spirit thing is kinda fun!

{Project 365} .. a photo a day .. fresh from the garden

All I wanted was tomatoes but he planted a whole garden. Its amazing how much better everything tastes when its so fresh. I don't like cucumbers that much but these were pretty darn good. Thanks Mr M. :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

{Project 365} .. a photo a day .. school books

Now that's a lot of wonder his backpack is so stinkin heavy! He's gone from not being all that worried, to taking 3 college courses and wanting to get his Associates in High School. :) Two thumbs up to you Mr A!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

{Project 365} .. a photo a day .. chocolate

If you have these at a barbecue, make sure you have leftovers! It'll make you happy. Really!

Project 365 .. a few photos a day .. summers end

Went here over Labor Day Weekend. I insisted on it! Summer is coming to an end and not once have I visited the mountains! We grabbed some good ol' KFC, some grapes and banana bread and had a picnic on a table in the parking lot :) It was packed, you'd think it was a holiday or something! :)

We hiked around this lake...


With them...and a few others.


And I got these! Pretty excited about that...never happens once they are twenty-seven! Pretty boring against a tree, but he's pretty dang cute so I'll take them! (yeah its possible that I'm a bit biased, being his mom and all!) :)


You didn't think I'd pass up the opportunity to take pictures of flowers did you? Um not gonna happen! I gravitate towards them...I can't help it!


Listening to some "Pink" on the radio...pretty rockin good stuff :) Having a hard time not movin to the!

Make it a good day!

Love and Hugs,
Yvonne :)

{Project 365} .. a photo a day .. 50mm 1.4

  1. Just got back from Swiss Days and all its craziness.  
  2. Stayed overnight with five other girls in an amazing condo.
  3. I did not take one picture! I planned on it, it just didn't happen. :)
  4. There is always one crazy booth at Swiss Days; the kind where you can't even see whats in it because so many woman are gathered around in pandemonium! Its the booth you know you'll love and have to check out because you can't stand to not know whats so cool! So you squeeze through the madness, sweat to death, think you'll die, and then finally you get to the thing everyone is so nuts over. You smile to yourself because you actually survived and now own one of those cool new necklaces! Because of after all of that you have to buy one...right?
  5. If you happen to be one of those people that loves jewelry like me and you want to check out what all the madness was about, let me save you some trouble! Go to . Use the code SWISSDAYS (code expires Sept. 15th) to receive 40% off, find a friend to share shipping with and then you too can smile and be a happy camper when that little package of fun and trinkets shows up at your doorstep! 
  6. I did it...I'm horrible I know! I couldn't help myself. Last week I pushed the button here and low and behold I am the happy owner of a beautiful, little, 50mm 1.4 lens! Does anyone need pictures taken? This camera stuff is seriously addicting...must stop now...
  7. Pretty sure music makes everything easier and more fun!

Happy Labor Day weekend! Love and Hugs,

Yvonne :)


{project 365} .. a photo a day .. summer

I took this photo while driving through an outdoor shopping mall after going to the Arts Festival. My brother Chris helped to build this fountain. I've wanted to take a little one there forever but just can't seem to find any of those around my house anymore. :(  I'm guessing its okay to post pictures of people you don't know...If I'm wrong PLEASE let me know! :) I adore the fact that those sweet, darling little girls are playing in their dresses. Doesn't this look like a perfect summer day...along with an a great big ice cream cone of course! :) I think we'll have Banana splits on the porch this weekend...before its to darn cold!

{Project 365} .. a photo a day .. she loves me

I think she loves me more than anyone in the whole world. At least that's how excited she is to see me. I often think about how much I could learn from her. If only I'd get that excited when someone walked through my door...If I'd stop for a minute and greet them with that much enthusiasm instead of the quick "Hey or Hi, How's it going?"  I can't help but think that it would be a good thing.


{Project 365} .. a photo a day .. roasted asparagus

It makes me laugh but I can't believe I've gone my whole life without eating roasted asparagus! We've always steamed it or cooked it in the microwave. If you haven't tried it and you love asparagus...all I can say is "OH MY is it good" Go directly to for the recipe and a gazillion other amazing ones!